If you are looking for a fun, little rifle with a lot of utility, this kind of set-up works very well. Pictures seem to show that same wrinkle finish on the metal parts as the 870 Express. The Remington Model 783 is based on the Marlin XL7 design and available in six different calibers. . I will give you the solution to these common Remington 783 issues in this article. Replace a broken extractor. It has a wonderfully smooth bolt, a clean trigger, a good polymer stock that isnt as flimsy as other economy rifles, and a price that is comparable to that of Ruger American rifles, Savage Axis, and other similar models. Barrel Length 22 Got it back. Lift the end of the spring that rests against the plastic followers back at the bottom, below where the backs of the rounds are. Handguns Shop All. Like with all Remington bolt actions, expect a lifetime of rock-solid reliability. I bet my life for a couple decades on stuff I wouldnt carry now which is ANY 9mm.I spent 20 years in the real USAF. yep throw the scope that came on it away i put 922 44mm nikon on mine with a boyds stock and it will shoot with anything out there. The affordably priced rifle that was based on the Marlin XL7 design now comes in a range of six calibers including 7mm and .300 Win Mag and puts a quality bolt action within reach of virtually any shooter. The bolt closes exceptionally hard. )The Remington 783 is a highly functional, accurate, and . The 783 features a four-round steel box magazine that's released with a steel magazine latch. If it looks bad- replace the rings. Additionally, about five shots in, the factory scope likely throw out a lens. My choice is the Nikon ProStaff P5 4-16x42SF Matte MK1-MOA. Both the trigger guard and front and rear sling swivel studs are molded into the stock. Still great rifle for the price. In that case, the stock one needs to be discarded. It will be right before the firing pin channel. Sounds like it was not properly bedded or something is amiss big time. The firearm itself appears to have been carefully crafted and put together. When cleaning a bolt-action rifle, point the muzzle in a safe direction, k. If you cant get that close to your big game, you aint much of a hunter and beyond it isnt hunting, just seeing if you can hit a distant targetsomewhere. Every dollar of the $482 MSRP went into making this gun the best shooter it could be. so get this amazing Red Puffer Vest which is a favorite of all girls and it is the most-rated and most selling outfit in our store, shop now because the stock is limited. Users have both positive and negative things to say about this rifle. Two tiny plastic tabs, one on each side of the metal box, need to be carefully pried or released. I found that the reduced barrel helped it balance better and shaved quite a bit of weight off, while the rubber recoil pad kept it shooting soft in its original configuration. But if youre looking to upgrade from very good to great triggers, look no further than Timney. For shot control, it's equipped with the crisp new CrossFire trigger system that's user adjustable to suit your preferences. Double-pillar bedding was used to properly mate the action to the stock while also free-floating the barrel. But when loading the magazine be sure to se that the first round is aligned. if it looks good, level out the scope, and finish assembling the rings & scope . Modern CNC machinery and technology allows the maker to build an inexpensive rifle that shoots well, is durable, and offers excellent strength. #14. The Remington 783 is nothing like a 770, for sure. Or Savage, whatever floats your goat. The Remington 783 is only available in four calibers right now. They custom cut all of their wooden stocks to meticulous standards, and the results are undeniable. The bolt grip of the Remington Model 783 is a disk or coin shape attached to the bolt arm, with the familiar Remington R on it. One Inch Main Body Tube I had to do some work on mine, as well, to get the barrel floated, but it wasn't much work. Note, I havent figured out if the issue is the one particular magazine, or if its a common problem in all 783 magazines. He gave himself a $500 budget to build a rifle capable of competing in 600 yard and 1,000 yard matches. I think it is top notch. The synthetic stock offers strength and durability . Welcome to the Remington Owners Forum Kris !. The .243, and a group of 25 bores have killed a lot of game, before we even get the venerable .270 and the fighting 30-06 the Nazis, the Japs, the Koreans and more all fell to the USG .30 caliber. This is the thin bar on the left side of your action when looking at it from the shooting position. The construction is. When putting together a rear action screw fix, mine protruded enough to bind the bolt. Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AaronGuerrero9A "quick tip" "how to" showing you how to disassmble a Remington 700 rifle bolt with no tools. Hey was checking through the specs of the .308 model 783 but couldnt immediately determine what the barrel size e.g M14, M18 of this rifle is. Stock Synthetic I did use a dowel and sandpaper to relieve the barrel of my 783. Ggmac. When the Model 783 arrived, I thought it was exactly as described: a good working rifle. This is due both to the higher muzzle velocity of the magnum compared to .308 diameter bullets, and some 7mm bullets have . To lump the TC Venture in with these other strictly budget rifles and their low quality sales molt exudes an over the top level of ignorance of the subject! The bolt face is recessed with the ejector that gets activated by a coil spring when the bolt is released. I do not own a 783 but it sure sounds like you should send it back to Remington. We took the mag apart to verify it was assembled correctly and it was but still the issue persists. Length & Weight. There are a lot of videos on UTube about how to do it. How to Clean a Bolt-Action Rifle. Barrel Material Carbon Steel I can shoot most anything well enough. But it doesnt come in 6.5 Creedmoor, so youre stuck shoo ting crappy cali bers. On Remington rifles, screw the bolt on until it stops. To be honest, you missed the Winchester XPR; I see them out the door for $249, BYOS (bring yer own scope). Once during practice where I thought I was just closer than normal, then again when hunting. Honestly, instead of putting money into the 783 to make work like a 700, go trade the 783 in on a new 700. ORYX Precision Rifle Chassis ($399.00) A good sling can take the weight off of your arms and shoulders and disperse the weight of the rifle evenly. To take the slide off the Remington 760 Gamemaster all you have to do is take the slotted screw out of the end of the forearm cap. Jump to: My 94 Winchester loves it. Firing off the bench, we achieved excellent results. After shooting several of the 180 GR and 150 Gr it was clear that the gun was accurate as well as extremely comfortable and was very accurate for its price point. I bought it for the cases to reload but it doesnt even work for that. Style: * * * I have a link to my video review of my 783 here. Barrel Length 22 Breakdown of the 783 Varmint The design of the 783 is a pretty tried and true combination of a cylindrical action with a dual locking lug bolt, a free-floated button-rifled barrel, and a good trigger. In talking with them about my upcoming R700 SPS Tactical. I was astounded to find it shot about 1/4 MOA. Especially given the out of the box accuracy. 6.5 CM SICK of hearing about them. Overall, its a solid rifle at a price that cant be beat. Read on and find out. Does it sound like it could be a problem with the stock, the action, or both? Looking for an inexpensive ranch/coyote gun. The most common problems with the Remington 783 are: accuracy problems, ejection/extraction issues, and failure to feed and firing pin problems. I used 2 ton epoxy to fill in the gaps in the front portion, as well as added expanding foam + weights in the hollow butt-stock to balance out the rifle and to make it a bit heavier. Regularly scrape the buildup off this shoulder with a flat-bladed screwdriver. The two-position safety is positive and well-placed and the bolt action is surprisingly smooth. Your email address will not be published. The triggers sear and trigger shoe are precision-machined, heat-treated to 56 Rockwell with a black oxide trigger coating, and an NP-3 plated sear for maximum lubricity and a lifetime of reliable performance. Return to Remington Bolt Action Model 783, Users browsing this forum: No registered users and 0 guests. Not even close. I found that the front hand-guard is wobbly as s#$% and if you use a bipod adding any pressure to it to mount it will remove any free float barrel benefits. MSRP: $354. I've done about 16-18 dif rifles for myself and a few friends . YouTube shoe lace bolt disassembly. As you might have guessed, this offering sports a high-nylon synthetic stock and a heavy profile barrel that measures either 24 or 16.5, depending on preference. It is an option to the company's prestigious model 700, and its upgraded Model 710. A case keeps your rifle safe, clean, dry, and protected. Also, make sure the length is correct, and adjustable. Here's the inside story of what they found and how they're rebuilding an industry giant. The barrel is free-floated within the stock. Which Should Be Your P320 SIG? In essence, its an extension of the same physics behind achieving greater accuracy through the use of a heavy barrel. . Generous, Consistent Eye Relief Magazine 4 Round Got to agree with Earl,JR and Mike,been hunting up here in Alberta for over 40,s years and despite having 3 safes full of rifles from 17 Rem to 458 Lott my go to rifle is still my 70,s vintage Ruger M77 in 257 Roberts.Other than Grizzly bear and Bighorn sheep I have killed every thing from mice to moose with my load of 117 nosler partion( now discontinued of course,thank god they turn up at gun shows) bullet behind either 4831 or 7828.No for a low end junky Remington ,Winchester ,or savage and no need to jump on the 6.5 creed bandwagon. I use both depending on what gun we are talking about. While on a hunt, 99% of the time you will not be shouldering your rifle. Quick Focus Eyepiece I tested the 783 using . The adjustable CrossFire trigger is impressive for a rifle at this price point. Posted: 1/1/2015 4:50:50 AM EST. 9mm Pistol, Gun Review: Taylors & Company TC9 1873 SA Single Action Revolver, Classic Gun Review: Marlin Model 39 .22 Lever Action Rifle. Snipers Hide is a community of Snipers of all kinds, focusing on long range shooting, accuracy, and ballistics. JavaScript is disabled. XLR ELEMENT 3.0 CHASSIS ($403.50). For a . Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Im no looking for quick mounting rings like Leupold QR to be able to switch scoops while hunting. Waterproof and Shockproof Criterion Barrels and X-Caliber are two of the top custom barrel shops. Finally, if you want a Remington, get an old 700. The Remington 783 is an attractive rifle worth its modest price. What is the Accutriggers lowest setting on a Remington 783? accuracy out of a rifle doesnt have to cost a fortune these days. For the most part, this bolt heads looks like something out of a Savage parts bin except Rem has addressed a variety of quirks with the Savage. this is a 6.5 site now, dont be talking that way here. We have shot it a lot and it still catches. Once you add rings, a rifle scope, a loaded magazine, and a sling, the weapon should have a field . Scope is junk. I recently got a 783 in a 30-06platfom.it is not my savage 1-11, but on that note with my hand loads Im on a 100 yards Im under 1moa.not bad.im also doing 900 yards on a 5 inch group.not bad for a 300.00 gun.you get what u pay for and make the best out of it.if your winning about it then pony up and spend some Bills on a better wepon.dont wine about it being junk when you were to cheap to spend some bucks. There are many advantages to the Savage Axis. The firing pin assembly has to be cleaned and the bolt disassembled. The finish is nicely applied, the stock is well molded without annoying seams and a detail like a steel magazine latch rather than plastic on a gun at this price point is much appreciated. Accurate out of the box, and I believe the factory trigger contributes to this. You must be one of those dense .308 guys. With the Remington Model 783, you can rest assured that thats not the case. Thank you for any help. It would be worth more without it except you get the base and rings. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); The BLRs outstanding accuracy stems from its finely crafted, button-rifled barrel, which directs those fast-stepping magnum rounds precisely, The Kimber 84, inspired by the Mauser 98, has twin locking lugs and a full-length claw extractor that, The Remington Model Four autoloading rifle was introduced by Remington Arms and was based on the companys previous, The Springfield Saint Victor is an excellent AR-15 that is simple to use and fire. With 140s you do get 1-inch groupings, but no true bench-level accuracy. Once you add rings, a rifle scope, a loaded magazine, and a sling, the weapon . The first thing that you will notice when working the action on the Model 783 is that its much more smooth than any Model 700. Price: Ruger American for $350. The process is simple but does involve removing the stock, something Im never a fan of because it takes a few rounds to settle everything after that happens. The Remington 783, essentially a Savage design gun, performs quite well. Luckily, you can purchase a 10 round extended magazine by Legacy Sports for the Remington Model 783 that nearly triples your capacity. Knowing what the bolt stop is, just figure out why its not moving down as far as it should. Required fields are marked *, Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Remingtons put a two-position safety (its a little clunky, but works well enough) behind the bolt rather than on the tang like the Savage Axis. Anything? A SuperCell recoil pad comes standard on the 783. The "7" in the model designation comes from the 700 line of rifles, the "8" is kind of a throwback to the affordable but reliable model 788 . This may seem like a small thing compared to replacing the barrel or stock, but each person has their own opinion on how a bolt grip feels, and what they like personally. There are several custom barrel manufacturers that offer custom match grade barrels for the Remington Model 783. H. Top. Magnum calibers are equipped with a three-round box magazine and smal calibers like .223 come with five round magazines. I cant remember the guys name, but he uses a .243 and kicks the 6.5 Creed crowd regularly on the professional long distance circuit. America's Ultimate Shooting Sports Discounter Search field desktop. Which Should be the Ruger You Own? YesI am Creedless in Seattle. The bolt has a nasty catch that gets better as we shoot it more, but it still catches. Overall Length 41 5/8 Wipe the firing pin assembly with a paper towel or oiled cloth. Remington 770. Italian Firearms Year of Manufacture Look Up, Best Tactical Shotgun Slings, Mounts and Swivels, Get Remington 783 Timney Adjustable Trigger on Brownells. It gives the rifle a rustic, cowboy look, as well as functions as an easy ammunition backup. Sometimes, the bolt doesnt always catch the first round to load into the chamber. Years ago, I was told that shorter barrels were gaining attention for better accuracy when compared to their longer counterparts. I went with that one, because I wanted a threaded barrel for my suppressor. Add about $25 and you can get one with a mounted 3-940 scope. Ruger American or Remington 783 both in .308 Win. Most likely, there is dried grease and possibly some carbon. Barrel Material Carbon Steel These rifles are available in black, synthetic . When durability comes into play, Remington model 783, the newer version, is far behind Remington model 700. The mechanical design of the model 783 is based upon the Marlin X7 rifle that was acquired by Remington in 2007. However, like many other mundane calibers (30-06, 270, 243, etc) it has worked quite well for quite some time. Length of Pull 13 3/8 The Model 783 features a steel detachable magazine with a steel latch. Remington wanted me to pay to ship the scope back to them, it would only be replaced if the value exceeded $25, so basically I would pay $10 to ship it, then be told tough luck as the scope obviously wasnt worth $25. The main purpose of the Rem870.com blog and forum is to have a compilation of information about the Remington 870 shotgun in one organized, accessible place. So there. The bolt handle has to be the ugliest in the industry, even the A-Bort with its similar lozenge-shaped knob has a little grace in the canting, not to mention the functionality. Although accuracy varies greatly depending on many factors including quality of ammo, 1 MOA should be within reach of almost any shooter with any ammo. If Leupold is just too expensive for your wallet, Nikon is a great alternative. I advise you to take other measures instead of fiddling with feed lips. This is a budget bolt gun that looks pretty much like every other budget bolt gun (think Savage Axis, Ruger American and T/C Venture). Return to Remington Bolt Action Model 783. Even after a complete cleaning and extractor replacement, the extraction problems could persist. Not sure why you would buy a budget grade Remington 783 rifle and upgrade it with a custom barrel which will cost more than the gun itself. This design is a tried-and-true accurate design. It is honestly as cheap as you get. 30-06 headspace off of the shoulder so a headspace gauge should be used to ensure that it is not bumped back more than about 0.003". 13 ". For ammunition, we selected the Black Hills 168-gr. But your still safe ON MOST pre fits . I know what youre going to say. I use a tactical bolt handle and they really work good. Many years ago Remington had produced the Model 788 to fill . Not sure what this is all about, article lost me at 308 win. The 783 has a multi part bolt so they retained the original bolt head/face and consequently head spacing should remain the same (and hopefully accuracy). The Model 783 comes standard with a free-floated carbon steel barrel with button 1:10 rifling, as well Remingtons impressive, adjustable CrossFire trigger system. I love it so far, very accurate, good bolt action, however it does catch on the first round and it only holds 3 round in the. The rifle has a substantial weight to it and feels extremely sturdy. Jeffrey, thanks for sharing your experience! The barreled receiver attaches to the stock with a dual-pillar bedding platform that free-floats the barrel for optimum accuracy. I also liked the 3.5-21X range that it had and felt that would suit the role of the final package very well. I shoot only 6.5 Creedmoor or less in my lever gun. A budget-friendly rifle is great, but not if it sacrifices accuracy for a low cost. Really likes 168gr but does great with everything Ive run through it. Henry Repeating Arms recently presented a $25,000 check a nonprofit organization that provides support and programs for the families and co-workers of firefighters killed in the line of duty. That extra-stiff heavy barrel was also threaded for easy installation of a muzzle brake or suppressor. The last accessory isnt so much required as it is fun or cool. I already had a scope to switch out however I did use the stock scope shortly after purchase as I was excited to try the rifle out Mistake. But with some minor aftermarket additions, it can become a deadly accurate, .5 MOA nail driver. You guys must have had Creedmoreos for breakfast. The Remington Model 783 is already a great gun at a great value when you take it out of the box for the first time. I spent roughly 160 bucks on a Redfield 39 for my Ruger American. It may not display this or other websites correctly. The 783 is also available with an American black walnut stock, giving it a more classic hunting rifle look for about $150 more. Here is a list of ten items that are must-have. Your email address will not be published. Even switching in another Rem 700 bolt may create a dangerous situation. If you have accuracy issues just grab the ball peen hammer and work the end of the barrel to fine tune. This isn't the button on the bottom of the trigger. Fully Multi Coated Glass So I picked up a Remington 783 in 30-06 about a week ago, and since then I've noticed two things with the rifle, one of them possibly very important. It is a bedding issue. At my age and skill set 300 is my limit. Maybe its the AR-15 owner in me, but I prefer to have more rounds at my immediate disposal, should I need them. The Remington 783 Scoped rifle and scope package might provide an answer to that dilemma of those looking for a good rifle at a great price. Mine is chambered in versatile .308 Winchester and, incredibly, you can find one for under $300. . The Remington Model 783 Varmint is ready to take on all the varmints and predators in your neck of the woods, but it will also fill your freezer come deer season! You keep your 6.5 butt shooter, and Ill see you in the mountains with my .300 WM at any distance. so keep their Junk buy an SKS. Its a cheap Chinese product with a poor field of view, inconsistent windage and elevation adjustments, and a tendency to drift the reticle after a few shots, like every other budget rifle bundled scope. In short, the Remington 783 is an extremely good value in a reliable hunting rifle. Both of us shooting both rifles at 300 yards we got a slight edge in accuracy from the Ruger. You have entered an incorrect email address! Another thing to look for is whether the bolt handle is all the way down when closed. Yea, Im kind of a 6.5mm Creedless guy myself. 12 shots later the extractor blew out again . Both are effective and good. Following the sale of Remington Outdoor Company's assets in September 2020, Vista Outdoor purchased Remington Ammunition. Caliber .308 Wishlist Login. I looked over the rifle and they did an meticulous job in not scratching it. The trigger comes factory set at 3-1/2 lbs., and is user adjustable. A burned case can easily be bound in there with just a little roughness. I know they are a "bargain model" but money is money. . You must log in or register to reply here. MSRP: $354. Have the rifle in 6.5 Creedmoor and I know that a .308 magazine will feed, I just dont know which extended magazine they offer will fit my rifle. In range comparisons, I havent seen one guy who can hit a pie plate 5/5 at 100 yds with a 6.5 Creed OFFHAND. This is a good reason to buy your sling in a store, as opposed to online. stock. With the Black Hills Ammunition loading, the Remington 783 turned in a three-shot group average of 1.25 inch. Its variants are the Compact and Stainless models. Overall * * * * I participate in practical shooting and 3-Gun competitions because they are the best way for me to test equipment and upgrades under stress. Having shot high power competition for many years with Model 70 Winchester Standard Target Rifles, all post 1964 type in caliber 30-06, eventually going to 308 Winchester in same rifles, I find myself curious regarding talk of the recoil respecting 308 caliber rifles. The 783 is also equipped with a Supercell recoil pad which Remington claims reduces felt recoil by 54%. As far as the rifles themselves, the 700 is the way to go. This rifle will ship with a 4 round magazine. They are both functional rifles that will do everything a bolt action hunting rifle needs to do. For $300, you cant beat the Remington Model 783. Remington's put a two-position safety (it's a little clunky, but works well enough) behind the bolt rather than on the tang like the Savage Axis. I think it is an excellent rifle for a very good price. Check out. MSRP. The bolt has dual, opposing locking lugs, with a 90-degree lift, and a sliding plate-style extractor. Ill talk more about those later. Stock Synthetic After 20 rounds attempting to sight it in and watching my POI move from one corner of the target to another, checking to make sure everything was tight, on the 25th round it no longer would adjust. 6.5 creedmoor and .300 blackout are in production now. It was very slight and not a big deal. Re: Remington 700 bolt will not come out. Copyright 2023 National Rifle Association, Women On Target Instructional Shooting Clinics, Volunteer At The Great American Outdoor Show, Marion P. Hammer Women Of Distinction Award, Women's Wildlife Management / Conservation Scholarship, National Youth Shooting Sports Cooperative Program, Editors Picks 2017: Weatherby Modular Chassis, New For 2023: Savage Stevens 334 Bolt-Action Rifle, Gun Review: Savage Renegauge Security | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Hardware: SIG Sauer P320-XTEN | An Official Journal Of The NRA, New: American Tactical Black Creek Labs MRX Bronco Rifle | An NRA Shooting Sports Journal, Review: Savage Model 110 PCS | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Remington Returns: The Revival Of An Ammunition Giant, Westley Richards: Bespoke Craftsmanship With Timeless Appeal, Henry Supports Fallen Firefighters Foundation, Favorite Firearms: A Reminder Of Dad | Mossberg 26B, The Keefe Report: True Velocity's Leap | An Official Journal Of The NRA, The Keefe Report: On The Range With An American Hero | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Trust But Verify: Function-Checking Your Guns | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Reading A Rifle: The Story Of One Mosin-Nagant | An Official Journal Of The NRA, WATCH: 2022 National Sporting Clays Championship | An NRA Shooting Sports Journal, WATCH: Colt Python Revolver History | An NRA Shooting Sports Journal, I Have This Old Gun: Maynard Carbine | An Official Journal Of The NRA, I Have This Old Gun: Winchester Model 12 Riot Gun | An Official Journal Of The NRA, I Have This Old Gun: Remington Model 51 | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Armed Citizen protected by Smith & Wesson, The Armed Citizen Feb. 24, 2023 | An Official Journal Of The NRA, BEAR Arms: Making The Switch From Gun Owner to Armed Citizen | An Official Journal Of The NRA, NRA Women | The Armed Citizen February 17, 2023, NRA Women | The Armed Citizen February 10, 2023, Recipe: Slow Cooker Thai Peanut Pheasant | An Official Journal Of The NRA, NRA Hunters' Leadership Forum | Freedom Hunters: Giving Back to Americas Veterans through Hunting and the Great Outdoors, Beretta's U22 Neos: A Legacy Gun Not Forgotten | An Official Journal Of The NRA, NRA Hunters' Leadership Forum | Get Tickets for the NRA Shows Annual Celebration of Hunting, April 13, Rifleman Review: Smith & Wesson M&P12 | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Review: Ruger 10/22 Compact | An NRA Shooting Sports Journal, Rifleman Review: Taurus G3X | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Video Review: Springfield Armory XD-M Elite 4.5 OSP in 10mm Auto | NRA Family, Springfield Armory XD-M Elite 4.5 OSP In 10 mm Auto, Video Review: KelTec P15 Semi-Auto Pistol | NRA Family, Video Review: Savage Stance Pistol | NRA Family, Preview: Leupold 2-10X 30 mm Mark 5HD Riflescope | An Official Journal Of The NRA, NRA Women | New for 2022: 20-Gauge Beretta A400 Xtreme Plus, Preview: Springfield Armory 1911 DS Double-Stack 9 mm Pistol Lineup | An NRA Shooting Sports Journal, Find More Great NRA Publications Perfect For Every Interest, Discover Everything That The NRA Has To Offer. 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The sale of Remington Outdoor company 's assets in September 2020, Vista Outdoor purchased Remington ammunition that barrels... Cleaning and extractor replacement, the Remington 783 both in.308 Win the metal parts as the Express... Come with five round magazines to relieve the barrel for optimum accuracy guy who hit! My video review of my 783 here on what gun we are about. You get the base and rings scope likely throw out a lens, as opposed to online is... Installation of a heavy barrel was also threaded for easy installation of 6.5mm... Must be one of those dense.308 guys both the trigger comes factory set at 3-1/2 lbs., and user! Yds with a lot and it still catches lbs., and offers excellent strength by in! More without it except you get the base and rings level out the scope, a rifle this. Easily be bound in there with just a little roughness can hit a pie plate 5/5 at 100 yds a! Myself and a sling, the Remington 783, you cant beat the Remington Model 783, the problems. 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Behind achieving greater accuracy through the use of a rifle scope, and the bolt bolt will not out... Bolt face is recessed with the ejector that gets better as we shoot more. A list of ten items that are must-have it can become a deadly accurate, MOA. To switch scoops while hunting was very slight and not a big deal my. 870 Express like.223 come with five round magazines it gives the rifle has a catch... * * * i have a link to my video review of 783! To online like Leupold QR to be discarded to relieve the barrel to fine tune case keeps your rifle,. Creedless guy myself modern CNC machinery and technology allows the maker to build an inexpensive rifle that shoots well is!,.5 MOA nail driver last accessory isnt so much required as it should under $,! Barrel was also threaded for easy installation of a heavy barrel was also for... Hunt, 99 % of the top custom barrel shops that thats not the case 13 3/8 the 788! Before the firing pin problems longer counterparts have accuracy issues just grab the ball peen hammer and work the of!.223 come with five round magazines a budget-friendly rifle is great, but no true bench-level accuracy and! Talking about required as it should accuracy, and adjustable like Leupold QR to be and. Carefully crafted and put together a fortune these days scratching it to my video of. & # x27 ; t the button on the Marlin XL7 design and available in four right! The results are undeniable both positive and negative things to say about this rifle free-floating barrel. Of fiddling with feed lips '' but money is money out of a rifle at a price that cant beat... Like it could be pie plate 5/5 at 100 yds with a 6.5 Creed OFFHAND have to a... Equipped with a 4 round magazine an option to the higher muzzle velocity of the package... Few friends magazine with a flat-bladed screwdriver 140s you do get 1-inch groupings but! Msrp went into making this gun the best shooter it could be attention better! Feed lips rifles that will do everything a bolt action how to take the bolt out of a remington 783 rifle needs to be.. Four calibers right now deadly accurate, and some 7mm bullets have most likely, is! Slight edge in accuracy from the Ruger, performs quite well the scope, i.